进口关税 import tariff
消费品进口关税 import tariffs on consumer goods
平均税率 average tariff rate
降税 tax cut
保健品 health supplements/health products
日化用品 daily chemicals
税号 tariff code
海淘 cross-border online shopping
婴幼儿奶粉 baby milk powder
购买意愿较强 strong desire to purchase
暂定税率 provisional tax rate
一般贸易 general trade
优质产品 quality goods
消费选择 consumption choice
国内供给体系转型升级 upgrades of the domestic supply system
中高端消费品 medium- and high-end consumer goods
降低关税壁垒 lower tariff barrier
零关税 zero tariff
免除关税 tariff elimination
最惠国税率 most-favored-nation tariff rate
奢侈品消费外流 outflow of luxury consumption
进出口平衡 balance of exports and imports
暗物质 dark matter
宇宙射线粒子 cosmic ray particle
宇宙尺度 scale of the universe
天体运行规律 motion laws of the celestial bodies
万有引力定律 law of universal gravitation
普通物质 normal matter
特别的天体物理事件 special astrophysical event
黑洞 black hole
脉冲星 pulsar
伽马射线暴 gamma-ray burst
银河系 Milky Way galaxy
巡天观测 sky survey
太空环境探测器 space environmental detector
游戏成瘾 game addiction
网瘾 internet addiction
网络游戏障碍 Internet Gaming Disorder
精神与行为障碍 mental and behavioral disorders
社会现象 social phenomenon
社会功能受损 impaired social functioning
成瘾行为 addictive behavior
物质成瘾和非物质成瘾 substance and non-substance addiction
处方药成瘾 prescription drug addiction
行为成瘾 behavioral addiction
恋物成瘾 fetish addiction
戒断反应 withdrawal reaction
社交恐惧 social phobia
成瘾物质 addictive substance
成瘾治疗 addiction treatment
戒断症状 withdrawal symptom
戒毒中心 drug rehabilitation center
药物依赖 drug dependence
逃避现实 escape from reality
心理安慰 psychological comfort
极地旅游 trips to the polar regions
极地旅游 polar tours/trips to the polar regions
包船旅行(travel in a chartered ship
生育游 birth tour
医疗游 medical tour
自驾游 self-driving tour
跟团游 package tour
出境游 outbound tour
入境游 inbound tour
高速光伏公路 photovoltaic expressway
新能源 new energy
太阳能 solar energy
风能 wind power/energy
可再生能源 renewable energy
不可再生能源 non-renewable energy